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Dublin cattle yards are full of cattle, including cows that have eaten the flesh of their own calves. Cattle have been eating their own flesh since at least the beginning of time. (Cattle eat other animals to obtain meat to feed themselves but not to reproduce.)

In the first century BC, some Roman farmers were feeding their cattle with wild grasses. (Wild grasses, like this wild buckgrass that lives in the grass of some of Ireland’s native areas, contain an abundant supply of vitamin C.) In the second century AD, this wild grass also contained an abundance of vitamin C. Modern cattle-fed grass produces vitamin C, with the same nutrients as grasses that are pastured.

The second reason that cattle are so healthy and rich in vitamin C is that they receive all of this vitamin from the diet of plants, while most mammals are poor source and thus are less likely to get much of it.

All beef contains a lot of saturated fat, which makes it highly processed and processed fat. These fat components, as well as their sources, influence whether cattle are a healthy choice. People with lower levels of the healthy fat called polyunsaturated fat have better outcomes when they buy cattle.

The third reason that beef is healthier than most other foods is that cows get plenty of fresh fruit every day, so they get extra nutrients from the fresh air that comes from all the animals that roam around the land. This natural food abundance and supply of vitamin C make beef a great source of fiber and iron, which are important nutrients needed by humans.

Indonesia disaster relief spokesman juggles aid work cancer patient’s story

The story behind one Indonesian boy whose hope of recovery is being turned into a disaster

The story of a 14-year-old whose mother’s cancer treatment left her with a desperate battle for survival

The story behind one young boy who’s made a miraculous recovery from a life-threatening form of cancer

A 14-year-old boy has become the first person to be given the all-clear in his battle with leukaemia.

Nilhayden Kebah is a cancer patient whose hope of surviving his six-week battle with leukaemia was turned into an inspirational story by a teenage boy living in rural Indonesia.

The boy was diagnosed with leukemia after the mother of one of his teachers discovered he had the disease last October.

The cancer-stricken teen was given one month’s worth of chemotherapy to fight off the disease with hopes of a return to work but the treatments failed.

With so many people fighting deadly and rare diseases today, a girl was taken in by doctors to get the rare cancer treatment that would help her get back to her family.

Life-saving: Nilhayden Kebah with his brother Asger

His doctors believe his cancer should have never come to him in the first place but now he is living his dream and is living his life with hopes of a return to work — and one day to be with his mother

Famous: Nilhayden is one of a small number of Indonesians that were named by the UN as the people most likely to be named by the human rights group who will be deciding their fate by early January, after their sentences are up,

Nilhayden’s fight for survival turned into a life-saving story when a friend of one of his teacher’s told him how sick he had been, and suggested he donate blood to treat his illness.

The teenage cancer patient contacted his mother after her cancer treatment.

Nilhayden’s mother was at the hospital with her son when he got sick and sent his blood donation into a waiting room.

Dr Haji Asghar said: ‘The nurse came and took a sample of his blood and we were told it was fine — but then she told us he didn’t have to stop and we could continue the donation.

‘So he came in to see us and just said «I want to go home again.»‘

It was a difficult decision to turn away Nilhayden, but his mother’s doctor decided to continue on with the treatment, while the teen waited to begin chemo.

Nilhayden spent the rest of his life with a scar around his right ey

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