Отличный отзыв о Albrigi

Albrigi Tecnology is a leading manufacturer of stainless steel tanks and turn-key systems for the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and
petrochemical industries. Every system manufactured by Albrigi embodies 30 years of experience in this trade, during which the
company has acquired cutting-edge technologies and the most sophisticated manufacturing techniques.
Production is almost totally robotized to guarantee excellent quality and maximum precision of machining processes and finishes. All
Albrigi tanks and systems are made entirely out of AISI 304L stainless steel or, on request, out of AISI 316L stainless steel. They are designed to combine the hygiene that is offered by stainless steel, with speed and effectiveness of maintenance and cleaning procedures.
Thanks to a diversified product line and a wide range of proposals, Albrigi Tecnology is able to solve even the size, space and shipping
problems in full compliance with the most stringent Italian and foreign market standards.


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